Parent Information
BCPS Parent University - Supporting Parents as Teachers
BCPS Parent University
There are many volunteer opportunities throughout the school year for parents, families, and community members to be involved in the PTA and Seventh District Elementary.
Please remember that you will need to complete both the online BCPS volunteer training AND Application through the link provided below. Both the Certificate of Completion for the Online Training AND the completed Application must be provided to the school Volunteer Coordinator at least one day prior to being a part of any in-school activities!
*(Please also keep in mind if you are interested in being a chaperone for any field trips throughout the year, both pieces of volunteer paperwork must be completed and turned in before returning the Chaperone Form to your child’s teacher.)*
If you have any questions, please call the main office at 443-809-1902 or email the Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected].
Forms and resources that you may need during the school year.
Early Dismissal Note
Absence or Tardiness Excuse